
Latest in a series of “Avanti” – inserts for frames made of natural materials

DKC Company became the official partner of the exhibition "Under the mask of Venice"

DKC presents a new line of circuit breakers and accessories

We have developed a new version of the plugin for Autodesk Revit 2020 and 2021 and added several important features.

DKC presents components for enclosure solutions that are resistant to moisture and aggressive environments

The range of functional units and separation kits has been expanded – now also for KEAZ circuit breakers

Interview with the DKC and KEAZ top officials after the signing of the cooperation agreement

DKC employees visited KEAZ to conduct a technical audit and learn about all the features of production before releasing a joint product

"Cable support systems" catalog has been issued in the English language

DKC Company announces the introduction of a new corporate identity and logo refresh